This EEG Helmet was built in co-operation with Coal Hill Ventures.


In combination with other sensors in different locations, this helmet will be able to detect how a wearer desires to move their arm.  Not too useful for most people, but for people missing limbs, it will grant them the use of a robotic arm using the phantom limb effect.


The helmet can be printed in different sizes to accommodate different users.  It holds up to 18 electrodes, in various configurations, and is concealable under a hat.

Several months after developing the EEG helmet, I was brought back on to develop the EEG armband.  Hence the "sensor in other locations".

Originally the solution was the Myo armband.  However, the armband was too tight, especially for larger men.  Enter my armband.  It has electrodes in the same location as those on the Myo armband.  It is depicted here being used together with the Myo armband, to integrate with the rest of the data, but eventually when more data is needed than the Myo can provide, it can also be used as a standalone.

Another solution to the "myo armband is too small" problem.  This allows the myo armband to be stretched further than it normally can.  It is a much simpler and easier to use solution; while it cannot be used for the largest of bodybuilders, it is a suitable compromise.

Passing savings on to the client.

EEG Helmet and Armband

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