SimSim Smart Lock

SimSim is a smartphone-controlled smart lock.
You install SimSim by placing it on top of your already-existing deadbolt. This means there are no tools involved in the installation, and the door is still just as physically secure as it was before. Don't worry alignment aligning the product perfectly; where our competitors' locks repeatedly jam or choose to replace the lock entirely, we have a unique gripping mechanism that allows our product to adjust to different locks.
And yes, you can still turn the knob normally.
SimSim is great if you just want a convenient way to enter your own home, but it is also capable of solving the problem of giving access to tenants if you like to rend out your property. Instead of making your tenant take a long detour to come pick up the keys or making the trip yourself (or, heaven forbid, leave the keys under the welcome mat) just give your tenant access using our simple app. And when their time is over, the smart lock will automatically revoke access from your tenant.